‘Catharsis’ goes to the Saatchi Gallery

It has been wonderful to see how our Lower VI A Level concept of ‘Catharsis’ has grown from a lesson activity into an Abbey wide community…

Green Park Challenge

While many of us were tucked up in bed on Sunday morning, a number of Abbey families were out running the Green Park Challenge -a 3km event…

Diwali at Juniors

As well as Diwali being celebrated by so many of our families at home last week, students at the Junior school enjoyed learning about the…

Roman Day

Upper I (Year 4) enjoyed a fun-filled Roman day on Tuesday with a range of activities planned to enhance their Unit of Inquiry this half…

Modern Biathalon Championships

The Abbey was well represented across both Junior and Senior schools at the British Schools Modern Biathlon Championships at the weekend -…

Under 9’s Hockey

Under 9 hockey players have been practising during lunchtime club and this week enjoyed their first ever fixture - away to Cranford House…

Lower I Rocks and Soils

This week Lower I have been learning new skills and key scientific vocabulary. As part of their Rocks and Soils topic, students…


Swimming is a life skill and so it has been vitally important for us to ensure that we get it back on the curriculum in a safe way.

Welcome to Bodhi

What a cutie! Welcome to Bodhi - the new wellbeing dog who supports the emotional needs of Junior School students.

National Biathlon Success

Congratulations to a number of Abbey School students who, after a remote qualification process in the summer term, have been selected to…