A wide-ranging portfolio of A level courses, taught to an exceptionally high standard, offers choice and depth.

The Abbey has an enviable reputation for placing students at top universities, both in the UK and internationally, where they achieve outstanding results.

Abbey Sixth Formers typically embark on three A-level subjects and we give our students the time, advice and support they need when making their choices so that every student can approach their A-level programme with confidence and enthusiasm.

New linear A levels, taught over two years by enthusiastic specialists, offer scope for fuller exploration and richer discussion. Through their Sixth Form experience inside and outside the classroom our A-level students develop independence and an intellectual confidence which prepare them for the exciting world of undergraduate study.

To see the successes of our pupils at A-level, please visit our Results page.

See all our exciting A level subjects below:

3D Design & Textile Design

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Food Science and Nutrition

Subject InformationCourse Information