In a world of machine learning and AI, our Human Intelligence initiative is an outstanding and innovative programme of learning from Nursery to Year 6. It helps all learners to meet and exceed National Curriculum targets. Much more than that: it helps all learners to think for themselves with the imagination and creativity at the heart of the human endeavour.

For many years The Abbey Junior School has been developing a leading system of inquiry-based study. Our students are in charge of their own learning. We help them to cover topics with active, questing intelligence, led by questions, finding their own answers. Our teachers support, encourage and guide so that students have the confidence to make discoveries of their own.

Our Human Intelligence programme is academically challenging, robust, hitting curriculum milestones and going far beyond them. It is innovative and outward-looking, prioritising creativity and connections. It is full of joy, reward and illumination. Simply put: it is the most exciting, innovative and rigorous curriculum available anywhere in the country.

  • Transformational to the way young people learn
  • Enhanced achievement in all key disciplines
  • Connections between disciplines: innovation, new ideas, creativity
  • Extension far beyond disciplines: the history of ideas, scientific curiosity, artistic confidence, expressive fluency
  • Higher-level understanding and critical thinking
  • Ability to think independently and learn with purpose
  • Ability to solve problems, develop ideas, work imaginatively
  • Understanding people, understanding ideas, understanding ourselves

As artificial intelligence races forwards, this is Human IntelligencePreparing the creators, leaders and trailblazers of the next generationEquipping girls to live with confidence, purpose and joy

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