
Scholarships are awarded in the Senior School to recognise excellence. The prestige in recognition of a girl’s ability is considerable and Scholars are expected to demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm throughout their school life.

Scholarships are not available at the Junior School.

Academic Scholarships

The Abbey’s Academic Scholarships reward those students who demonstrate a distinct combination of excellence, flair, and aspiration.

Students completing the entrance assessment in the Autumn term for Year 7 will be informed in their offer letter if they have been awarded an academic scholarship. This decision will be based on their performance in the reasoning paper, with particular attention paid to the questions which explore candidates’ critical thinking and development of an argument. These questions are unique to The Abbey. Although internal candidates will not sit the entrance test (if on roll before the Spring Term of Year 5), they will all complete the reasoning paper in the Autumn term of Year 6.

Students completing the entrance assessment in the Autumn term for Year 12 are invited to apply for an Academic Scholarship. All candidates for the Academic Scholarship, whether internal or external, will complete a one-hour paper that assesses their ability to think beyond the curriculum. 

The format of the Scholarship questions will change each year but the intention will remain the same: to give students who love learning the opportunity to enjoy playing with ideas. The only form of preparation required is to encourage curiosity and liveliness of mind: which is the essence of an Abbey education.

The format of the Scholarship questions will change each year but the intention will remain the same: to give students who love learning the opportunity to enjoy playing with ideas. The only form of preparation required is to encourage curiosity and liveliness of mind: which are the best form of preparation for an Abbey education.

Specialist Scholarships

For those who excel in any of Art, Drama, Music or Sport, we offer Specialist Scholarships.

The opportunity to be assessed for a Specialist Scholarship is available at different stages during a student’s school career. For entrants to Year 7, assessments take place in the Autumn Term of Year 6; for those wishing to apply for a Sixth Form Specialist Scholarship, assessments take place in the Autumn Term of Year 11.

These awards remain in place for three years when awarded to Year 7 entrants and two years for Sixth Form students. There is an opportunity for existing students to sit for a two year award, in the summer term of Year 9.
The application and interview process for each discipline is different, allowing applicants to showcase relevant skills in ways which best suit the individual subjects. Candidates are welcome to apply across more than one subject but may only accept an award for one of their chosen disciplines.

Much of the vibrancy of our community comes from the outstanding contribution our students make towards these disciplines, and the school provides exceptional opportunities for talented students to develop their skills and grow their enthusiasm alongside others who share their passion.

Applications for Specialist Scholarships open in June 2024 and close 23 September 2024.

Year 7 applicants will be informed by 22 October 2024 whether they have been shortlisted for interviews and auditions, which will take place on 5 November 2024.
Sixth Form applicants will be informed by the end of October 2024 whether they have been shortlisted for interviews and auditions, which will take place on 12 November 2024.

Please use the form below to apply.

Scholarship application form

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