Pause 4 Thought

6 December 2019

“Out of the Darkness, Into the Light: The Time before Christmas is the Time of Light and mutual Love.” –  Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann

It was a pleasure to welcome our Whole School Chaplain Ms Hadwin to lead an assembly this week. In it she talked of the challenge of waiting and the meaning of Advent in preparing for Christmas.On Wednesday, in her assembly, Mrs Dent shared her joy of Dylan Thomas’ magnum opus – ‘Under Milkwood’. In recalling scenes and events from childhood Christmases, Thomas reminds us that lifelong memories are often made when we are children, and recalled and drawn upon throughout our lives. He also highlights the elusive nature of some of these memories – ‘I can never remember whether it snowed for six days and six nights when I was twelve or whether it snowed for twelve days and twelve nights when I was six.’ It matters not, of course, whether it was 6 days or 12, what Thomas is recalling is the sense of it snowing and snowing – It was always snowing at Christmas. December, in my memory, is white as Lapland, although there were no reindeers.

At this time of year, when we are celebrating Christmas and other festivals, it is amazing to think that we, as adults, may be helping to make memories for our children which they may remember for years, and perhaps pass on to their children. I remember one Christmas Eve when I must have been about 8, being woken by my mother in order to see the snow that had started to fall. You will recognise this as an extraordinary act of generosity and kindness on her part – to actually waken a child who has fallen asleep on Christmas Eve! However, all I remember, over 50 years later, is the amazing sight of snow falling silently onto the garden in the dark. So special, and something I have told my children in the hope that they might one day do the same.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs D-C