Gateway 11 February 2022

Careers and Higher Education Fair, Inspiring Art, Upper I Musical Moments, Abbey Interludes Recital... and more!

Growing Together

Our daughters’ school years are an important, transformative time to grow, both physically and emotionally. To mark Children’s Mental…

Upper IV Fair Trade Market

In Geography this week, we had a fair trade market to learn more about what fair trade is and how it works. Each group chose a food…

House Gymnastics

House Gymnastics this year was open to Upper II students and was a culmination of a term’s work with Miss Steele during a weekly lunchtime…

Curiosity Week

For a whole week, the school has been encouraging students to be led by their curiosity. Years 7-9 have had no homework, allowing them the…

Junior School Head’s Award

This week, Mrs Kaura was delighted to present the first ‘Head’s Award’ to three of our Lower III students (Gianna, Amber, and Emily in…

Gateway 4 February 2022

Online Chess Tournament, House Gymnastics, Curiosity Week, Nursery Visit... and more!

In praise of curiosity

To start simply: learning is the best part of living. Every day, every week, every year, throughout our lives, we learn. Every new…