“So many girls out there have so much to offer and the ability to achieve a great deal for society, but their family situation means schools like The Abbey … are out of their reach.”


May is a former parent and a powerful advocate for transformational bursaries

When I was invited by The Abbey to become a Bursary Ambassador, I was very excited to be asked. Over the years, I have wanted to find a way to give back to the school because of the opportunities it has provided to my daughter.

As a single parent working as a teaching assistant, I don’t have the means to give back to the school financially. That’s why I am so grateful for the opportunity to help the school in this way: helping them raise funding to help more girls like my daughter.

I come from a country where women are not valued. My daughter is gifted in so many ways: she has been able to read since the age of two; she is very talented in music; and has received recognition for her academic achievements. I knew I couldn’t afford for her to go to a private school; however, she wasn’t able to reach her full potential at a state school, as her curiosity and hunger to learn were not encouraged.

I saw the difference in her after joining The Abbey, as she would always have a smile on her face. She was finally able to discuss her questions with teachers and they were able to guide her down the right path.

She is an independent, caring, loving young lady and I am so proud of her. She wants to be a barrister and eventually become a judge. She has been awarded top performing student at university and best performance in the criminal law exam. I am confident that her achievements are due to the skills and determination she developed during her time at The Abbey. The school taught her the ability to work hard whilst still being able to enjoy life.

So many girls out there have so much to offer and the ability to achieve a great deal for society, but their family situation means schools like The Abbey, where they could flourish and reach their potential, are out of their reach. The bursary fund gives girls like my daughter this opportunity. Your kind donations, big or small, will give girls a chance to receive an outstanding education from The Abbey.

Your support will change their life. Thank you.