“I hope I have been able to impress upon you what a huge impact it has on any girl fortunate enough to receive this support.”


Bella is a Bursary Ambassador. This is her story in her own words.

It would be no exaggeration to say that this bursary changed my life.

It gave me the opportunity to flourish in an environment which encouraged curiosity, independence and hard work, and to meet friends who I will have forever.

At The Abbey I was in an environment in which I could thrive, as it meant that education was not just about ticking boxes to pass an exam, but about actually delving into a topic and understanding it in its entirety. Not only did I learn in the classroom, but I took part in choir, orchestra, acting, sports, and so much more.

This is why I am so thankful to anyone who donates to the bursary programme, because my family could never have afforded this kind of education. I hope I have been able to impress upon you what a huge impact it has on any girl fortunate enough to receive this support. I grew in confidence and developed new skills; I became a far kinder, more rounded individual; and I have made friends for life.

My dream is to become a barrister, a goal which I am closer to achieving due to the qualities and skills I gained throughout school. I was never told that this dream was unobtainable, and was given the courage to keep chasing it.

I look back on my time at The Abbey fondly and with so much appreciation, as it is only through your kind donations that I was able to have this experience. For now, I can only give back by writing this, but as soon as I am able, I hope to donate to the fund myself, and help another little girl access the same outstanding education.

Bella graduated with a First Class Honours in Law from Southampton University in July 2022 and was awarded the prestigious Dean’s List Award for exceptional performance.