Gateway 25 November 2022

'School of the Year' Award, Music at the Royal Albert Hall, The Abbey in Space, Speech Day and more...

Community at the heart

Each Junior School student within our care joins us at a tender stage in their personal development. Potential untapped, minds open to…

Yes you can

What do a bullied asthmatic teenager from Bradford and a research chemist working for a confectionary company have in common?

Gateway 18 November 2022

Exciting PYP news, Cross Country Success, Dancing Stars, Climate Action House Event and more...

Gateway 11 November 2022

COP 27, Brebras 2022, National Children's Orchestra, Art Scholars Tea Party and more...

On CuSO₄

What are your most meaningful memories of your days at school? Did they include that momentous chemistry lesson when you acquired the…

Gateway 4 November 2022

Iceland Trip, Alumnae webinars, Diwali celebrations, Bikeability and more...

Ideas + Passion

A major element of The Abbey’s curriculum is all the activity we are bringing together under our Ideas + Passion Programme: the wonderful,…