Upper II replace the Dragons on Dragons’ Den

In their Humanities lesson, Upper II learnt about the Victorian times, and in particular the Victorian Inventions. The students then had to create a ‘Dragons’ Den’ pitch for an invention, as if they had come up with the idea themselves. 

The inventions included: 

  • Victorian toilet 
  • Dynamite 
  • Ear trumpet 
  • Gramophone 
  • Vacuum cleaner 
  • Typewriter 
  • The camera

 I enjoyed finding out about the structure of the gramophone and working with my team to make a script and also make posters. My favourite part was drawing and colouring the gramophone with my team. 

The invention I would invest in is the camera because I think it is very useful if you want to keep a record of memories or take pictures of amazing things you might see. It was interesting to find out lots of facts about different inventions in the Victorian times. – Serena

 I really liked doing the Dragons’ Den activity and I really enjoyed finding out about the origin of dynamite. I would have invested in the camera because their speech was funny and it really persuaded you to buy a camera. – Alma

 I enjoyed making the presentation. I would have invested in the flushing toilet because it made the world a cleaner place. – Verity

 I enjoyed the Dragons’ Den activity a lot. Talking to the class and being filmed is a little nerve racking. I most enjoyed showing my drawing of the gramophone. The feeling of being proud of something you made with your own hands. I invested in the camera because the group put in a lot of effort and humour when presenting their ideas. They spoke clearly and strongly. – Shreeya

My favourite bit was listening to other people’s presentations because I liked magpie-ing their amazing ideas and saying to myself that next time I can do that too. If I were a dragon I would have invested in the Camera or Gramophone because the camera presentation had lots of humour such as saying fromage instead of cheese. I also would have invested in the gramophone because they performed it exactly how a Dragons’ Den audition should be, they had a plan and they did it very well and clearly. – Ipek
