Pause 4 Thought

6 March 2020

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.’ – William Blake

We moved on this week to consider the value of ‘Wonder’ – of wonder, awe, appreciation of beauty and excellence. How much do we notice and appreciate beauty, excellence and/or skilled performance in all domains of life, from nature to art to mathematics to science to everyday experience  – including moral goodness?

We started our exploration by thinking about things which make us go ‘WOW!’  Things which make us catch our breath. We were privileged to be able to watch Manya from LIII  dance for us in assembly on Tuesday, the beauty and message behind her skilled interpretation being enhanced by Sofia’s singing and carefully put together visual images (and enabled by her back-stage helpers Fenella and Pippa). This performance exemplified how often things that make us go ‘wow’, are unexpected, beautiful, surprising, courageous and maybe leave us in admiration of someone. Flash mobs exemplify this – take a look.

Moments of wonder are often very personal. Mine include holding my own children after they were born – indeed, being a parent continues to be (mostly!) full of wonder. I also often notice and am wowed by dramatic or interesting light in the natural world. How glorious is this….

……soon to be available in a wood near you!

Have a wonder-ful weekend.

Mrs D-C