Pause 4 Thought

12 June 2020

‘Be curious, not judgemental.’ Walt Whitman

It has been wonderful to welcome back many children into school this week. Nursery, Reception, Lower Prep and LIII girls were pleased to meet their friends and teachers again and quickly settled in and adapted to the adjusted arrangements in school. We have taken preventative measures to ensure the safety of all. We have done this in a low key but robust manner so that the children and staff are protected whilst making the environment as welcoming as possible.

This week in assembly we took our final look at Judgement – exploring how it differs from being ‘Judgemental’. Having good judgement means taking time to find out, not leaping to conclusions, not assuming or using our own preconceptions. Judgmental describes someone who forms lots of opinions — usually harsh or critical ones — about lots of people. Judgmental types are not open-minded or easygoing. Often not thinking – going with what we’ve heard others say or making assumptions or labelling. But we make the mistake of thinking it’s all about the other person, when really it’s all about us as this short film illustrates.

It is perhaps serendipitous that we are considering Judgement at this moment in time when the Black Lives Matter movement is so prominent. You will be aware of the depth of feeling across the world currently on this issue. Our Chair of Governors has made a statement on our website and will be writing to all our community again shortly. We obviously welcome the chance to engage with our alumnae, current students and other members of our community on this issue – I know that this has been subject for useful discussion in some Google Meets recently with girls. We are privileged in the Junior School to have an extraordinarily diverse student body whom we encourage to be articulate and empowered on this and other subjects. Our commitment to the tenets of the International Baccalaureate, combined with our values-based approach to education, creates a positive environment within which we must continue to strive to promote anti-racism and to disable unconscious bias.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs D-C