In our hands

Rachel Dent, 14 January 2020

Having listened to the recent debate about whether 2020 or indeed 2021 is the start of the new decade, I have come down on the side of 2020. It does seem quite remarkable that we are already 20 years out into the 21st century. What does this mean for our girls and indeed education in general.

Well it seems to me that the inspirational part of life and indeed the future of the planet very much remains in the hands of our young people. In recent weeks I can only sigh at the continued aggressive stand of world leaders whilst the planet and especially Australia suffers devastating destruction.

I am however reassured by the voices of our girls and their ambitions to make the world a better place. In the words of Upper III student, Ruby, in her recent article about the environment ‘If more people are informed, more people will act, and we need as many people as possible to act.’

“It’s only one plastic bag”,

“It’s only one beef burger”,

“It’s only one shopping trip” said 7 billion people…

My belief is that the ability to think outside the box will remain essential as AI gradually changes both the classroom and the job market. As these changes occur the need for creativity, social skills, perceptiveness and ability to work in teams will remain. I also believe that our girls have the capacity to energise change whilst retaining integrity. I feel that the School’s ethos of a broad education embracing the arts as well as science, humanities and sport is therefore critical.

So, here’s to the new decade – it’s in our hands.