A Special Harvest Celebration

This week, the Junior School celebrated Harvest at Christchurch and in the School Hall. 

Upper II went over to the Church with their offerings and Lower III took part in a live streaming service in the Hall. Produce was collected from Nursery through to Lower III and the generosity was overwhelming. Items donated took on a different feel this year as the Junior School met the specific needs of Readifoods in Reading and the Wokingham Food Bank. 

Where previously they had copious amounts of fresh foods, this year the students were able to supply everything ranging from nappies to tinned foods and anti-bacterial spray. 

Thank you to everyone who was involved in working with the students, setting up the displays, providing the music, sharing the Harvest message and delivering the many boxes of produce to the charities. Our gratitude extends to our wider Abbey community for sourcing and donating items necessary for helping families in need during these challenging times.’
