Gateway – 19 March 2021

Debating Success, Sport For All, Reception Exploration, English Department Writing Competition and more!

Uniting against violence

On Wednesday 3 March Sarah Everard was reported missing. On 8 March we marked International Women’s Day. As she does every year, Jess…

Junior School PE

Undoubtedly, there has been a national drop in physical activity during the pandemic, so we are keen to prioritise PE on reopening school.…

Emily Halliday, 2016

Emily Halliday left The Abbey in 2016 to study a degree in Business Management and Marketing at the University of Exeter.

Gateway – 12 March 2021

Bees Theme Morning, Berkshire Schools Virtual Cross Country Success, Return to School, World Book Day and more!

Talk the Talk

The subtle smile from a friend, the encouraging nod from your teaching assistant,  the gentle nudge from your gym teacher telling you that…

Theme Morning

Reception enjoyed a Theme Morning on Wednesday - learning all about Bees. 

Lizzie Heiser, 2015

Lizzie Heiser left The Abbey in 2015 and now works for Pladis as Lead Product Development Technologist. 

World Maths Day

This week we celebrated World Maths Day at the Junior School. Students took on the challenge of finding maths in their homes and daily…

Gateway – 5 March 2021

World Maths Day, Physics Club, A Love of Painting, World Book Day and lots more!